How many Amps Do you need for Home EV charging?

EV Chargers: The proper terminology for what most people call an EV "Charger"is actually "EVSE- electric vehicle supply equipment".The EVSE is a device that safely supplies electricity to an EV, It doesn't charge the battery. The battery is technically charged by the vehicle's onboard charger.

Learn about Home EV charging  -- O2 EVSE

Onboard Charger(OBC): The oboard charger is a power electronics devce built into an electric vehicle that converts the AC (alternating current) electric provided by EVSE, from a sourse such as residential home, to DC (direct current) electc which is how electricity is stored in an electric vehicle's battery pack.

Level 1 Charging: 120-volt charging from a regular household outlet.
Level 2 Charging: 240-volt charging from either a hardwired charger or one that is plugged into a 240-v outlet.

Level 3 Charging: The proper term is DC fast charging is very high-powered EV charging (400-v to 1,000-v) and is not available for home charging. DC fast charging stations are typically located along highways to enable long distance travel.

Volts: Volts are a measurement of the amount of force of the electricity, kind of like the speed of the flow of the electrons through the circut.
Amps : Amps are the colume of electrons in the current. We're going to talk a lot about amps. EV chargers, as well as the onboard chargers in EVs are typcally rated by the number of amps they can deliver, or accept, respectively.

 Kilowatt (KW) : A kilowatt refers to how much power a charger can deliver as well as how much power the onboard charger in your EV can accept.
Kilowatt - hour (KWh) : Think of kwh as the electri equipment to gallons of gasoline. A gas car has a fuel tank that can store a certain number of gallons of gas and an EV battery that can store a certain number of kwh. With combustion cars we measure their efficiency in miles per gallon, with EVs we use miles per kwh.
Dedicated Circuit: A dedicated electrical circuit means there are no other outlets or electrical devices on the circuit EV charging equipment requires a dedicated circuit so only the charger in being used for that circuit, it cannnot be shared.

Learn about Home EV charging  -- O2 EVSE